Tag Archives: Ars Technica

iOS 4.3.1 on the ramp

Apple is releasing iOS 4.3.1, which, as Jacqui Cheng from Ars Technica explains here, “[…]

brings with it fixes for a fourth-generation iPod touch graphics glitch as well as bugs that caused iPhones to have trouble activating and connecting to cell networks. The update also addresses flickering issues that occur when connecting a device to certain HDTVs with Apple’s Digital AV adapter and “resolves an issue authenticating with some enterprise web services.”

The release notes don’t make specific reference to fixing some of the battery issues reported around the Web or patching iPad jailbreak vulnerabilities, though rumors had suggested that iOS 4.3.1 would address both of these topics. It’s possible, however, that they (and other fixes) could fall under Apple’s umbrella of general bug fixes.  […]”.

I think that a wrong release could happen to anybody, but releasing a fix only after 2 weeks is a signal that Apple is a little bit in a hurry in their releases.

This post as a comment also here

Customizing Google results

Tim Conneally at Beta news reports that “[…]  Google on Thursday introduced an experimental feature which continues its mission to chip away at undesirable search results and information from “content farms”: the ability to block all results from a particular URL.

Now, when search results are returned, there is a button next to each link labeled “Block all [URLNAME] results.” When clicked, that site is sent to a block list, which can be managed in the user’s Google account.

“We’re adding this feature because we believe giving you control over the results you find will provide an even more personalized and enjoyable experience on Google. In addition, while we’re not currently using the domains people block as a signal in ranking, we’ll look at the data and see whether it would be useful as we continue to evaluate and improve our search results in the future,” Google search quality engineers Amay Champaneria and Beverly Yang said today. […]” (full article here).

Jacqui Cheng at Ars technica adds that “[…] The new blacklisting feature is triggered when you perform a Google search, click on a link, and then go backto Google after having decided that link isn’t what you wanted. When you return to Google the second time, a new option appears next to the Cached link that says “Block all [website name] results.” If you’re logged into your Google account (which is required in order to maintain a blacklist), you can then click that link and get a confirmation message that you want to block it.

Google wrote on its blog that you may not see the site disappear right away if you simply refresh your browser with the same search, but running a new search should get that domain out of your face for good. “The next time you’re searching and a blocked page would have appeared, you’ll see a message telling you results have been blocked, making it easy to manage your personal list of blocked sites,” Google Search quality engineers Amay Champaneria and Beverly Yang wrote. “This message will appear at the top or bottom of the results page depending on the relevance of the blocked pages. […]” (full article here)

I don’t believe this will give in full control to the user (come on, results mean completeness of search and more practically money), but I appreciate the effort mad by Google to allow users to customize they’re searches.

This post as a comment also at Betanews and at Ars Technica

Mobile traffic to increase 26x by 2015 but will infrastructures support it?

Matthew Lasar at Ars technica (http://arstechnica.com/author/matthew-lasar/) reports some figures by Cisco Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast (source here).

Here are the highlights:'[…]

  • There will be 788 million mobile-only Internet users by 2015.
  • Global mobile data traffic will increase by a factor of 26 by 2015.
  • World mobile data grew by a factor of 2.6 in 2010 from 2009.
  • Average smartphone usage doubled: 79 MB per month, up from 35 MB per month in 2009.
  • Android operating system data use is rapidly catching up to the iPhone.
  • In 2010 almost a third of smartphone traffic was offloaded onto fixed networks via dual-mode or Femtocells.
  • Millions of people around the world have cell phones but no electricity, and by 2015 a majority in the Middle East and Southeast Asia will live “off-grid, on-net.”

[…]” (full article at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/03/world-mobile-data-traffic-to-explode-by-factor-of-26-by-2015.ars)

I think that supporting such an expansion is also a challenge of network support, that, in most cases is running at nearly full capacity.

I’m not confident that in 4 years we can build and reinforce networks more than was done in last 10 years.

The other fact that is really worrying is that nearly 1/3 of world population will live “on net and off grid”. This is a radical shift, because moves mobile access to primary needs, and I think that accessing the net is important, but not vital nor for development, nor for surviving.

This post as a comment also at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/03/world-mobile-data-traffic-to-explode-by-factor-of-26-by-2015.ars?comments=1&p=21385440#comment-21385440


Why I bet that Apple future without Steve Jobs is as bright as the past

Many sites and authors (among them Matt Hartley at Lockergnome, full article at http://www.lockergnome.com/it/2011/01/17/is-steve-jobs-critical-to-apple/, Joe Wilcox at Beta news, full article at http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Apples-future-without-Steve-Jobs-wont-be-as-bright/1295327829 and at http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/What-future-does-Apple-have-without-Steve-Jobs/1295286850 and at http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Steve-Jobs-takes-another-medical-leave-from-Apple/1295278306, Juan Carlos Perez at Computer world, full article at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9205362/With_Apple_s_Jobs_on_leave_many_questions_and_few_answers, Peter Sayer at Computer world, full article at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9205342/Update_Apple_CEO_Steve_Jobs_to_take_medical_leave_of_absence, Chris Foresman at Ars Techinca, full article at http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/01/apple-ceo-steve-jobs-back-on-medical-leave.ars, Matthew Humphries at Geek.com, full article at http://www.geek.com/articles/apple/steve-jobs-goes-on-medical-leave-of-absence-20110117/, Mike Halsey at ghack.com, full article at http://www.ghacks.net/2011/01/17/steve-jobs-to-take-leave-of-absence-from-apple-for-health-reasons/) covered the anouncement of Steve Jobs leave for absence due to medical problems. Most of them also told that Steve Jobs is strictly related to Apple future in terms of positive impact. On top of this Apple shares declined after the announcement has been made.

In my opinion, Steve Jobs is very important for Apple because of charisma, innovation, leadership and vision. But times are different now form those when Steve came back and reseurrected Apple from ashes.

Apple is now a company with a stronger brand, that goes over the geeks and is more linked to marketing.

Apple is a strong company with cutting edge technologies and more patents that can turn in billion dollars ideas.

Apple has now an industrial approach for going live.

Apple has also grown or acquired lot of professionals and managers that can continue the business.

Apple also has a marketing and commercial model for applications selling that is something that is a step beyond also for new coming devices.

I don’t work for Apple (in fact I work for another very big company that is a competitor for part of Apple business), but I think the Cupertino company is stronger than ever.

With Steve at the helm also has the plus of a Guru, but without can continue the business without problems.

This post as a comment also at http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Apples-future-without-Steve-Jobs-wont-be-as-bright/1295327829, at http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/What-future-does-Apple-have-without-Steve-Jobs/1295286850http://www.betanews.com/joewilcox/article/Steve-Jobs-takes-another-medical-leave-from-Apple/1295278306http://www.computerworld.com/comments/node/9205362#comment-716336http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2011/01/apple-ceo-steve-jobs-back-on-medical-leave.ars?comments=1&p=21225850#comment-21225850http://www.geek.com/articles/apple/steve-jobs-goes-on-medical-leave-of-absence-20110117/comment-page-1/#comment-3975084http://www.ghacks.net/2011/01/17/steve-jobs-to-take-leave-of-absence-from-apple-for-health-reasons/#comment-1295892 and at http://www.lockergnome.com/it/2011/01/17/is-steve-jobs-critical-to-apple/comment-page-1/#comment-250537

iOS 4.3 coming in mid december

Chris Foresman at Ars Technica reports that “[…] iOS 4.2 took a little longer than planned to roll out; a last minute WiFi bug in the 4.2 golden master caused a delay of a few weeks to rev up to the 4.2.1 version that was released on Monday. Despite this, Apple is rumored to have iOS 4.3 already waiting in the wings for a mid-December release. That update is said to bring a new subscription billing API for in-app purchasing, according to MacStories, enabling app developers to collect recurring charges directly through iTunes for print, video, or other content. […]” (full article at http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/11/ios-43-rumored-for-mid-december-with-in-app-subscriptions.ars).

Same does Brian Barrett at Gizmodo (full article at http://gizmodo.com/5697563/is-ios-43-just-around-the-corner).

Ok. I agree that the market is demanding and the continuous release of new versions is a way to adapt the system to developments and market needs.

But in my opinion would be a little better to have a unique realse in december than having two separate ones at the distance of less than a month.

Is not a matter of complexity, of course, but is a matter of being pragmatic.

This post as a comment als at http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/11/ios-43-rumored-for-mid-december-with-in-app-subscriptions.ars?comments=1&p=21058072#comment-21058072 and at http://gizmodo.com/5697563/is-ios-43-just-around-the-corner

Facebook revisited: do we really need another email system?

Tim Conneally at Beta news (http://www.betanews.com/author/tim) reports that “[…] Popular social networking site Facebook today announced it is rolling out a whole new messaging system over the next few months that “isn’t just e-mail,” but integrates four common ways users communicate: email, Facebook messages and chat, and SMS, and archives it all in a single thread. [….]” (full article at http://www.betanews.com/article/Facebooks-new-messaging-system-handles-email-chat-SMS-Office-Web-apps-all-in-one/1289847427).

Same thing is done by Sharon Gaudin at Computerworld (full article at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9196618/Facebook_messaging_throws_a_blow_at_Google), Jacqui Cheng at Ars technica (full article at http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/11/facebooks-new-messaging-system-mashes-up-sms-e-mail-im.ars), John Brownlee at geek.com (http://www.geek.com/users/jbrownlee/ and full article at http://www.geek.com/articles/news/facebook-introduces-new-messaging-system-e-mail-sms-and-im-all-in-one-place-20101116/), Om Malik at Giga OM (http://gigaom.com/author/om/ and full article at http://gigaom.com/2010/11/15/meet-the-new-new-facebook) and Adam Dachis at Lifehacker (http://lifehacker.com/5690721/why-you-should-embrace-the-new-facebook-modern-messaging-system).

In some ways it reminds me Google wave, but I wish for Facebook it doesn’t follow the same path.

I agree with Google CEO that this new Facebook features aren’t a threat to Google activities, because the target is different (Google is a quite serious email provider and most of all is more secure than Facebook) and though messaging is integrated with Facebook, IMHO Google is more usable.

Again, I understand FB need to cover a gap and use his vast “installed base” (or addressable market),  but it would have better consolidate and strengthen his features before getting into a such complex addon, with no (substanntial) innovations and more risks for privacy.

This post as a comment also at http://www.betanews.com/article/Facebooks-new-messaging-system-handles-email-chat-SMS-Office-Web-apps-all-in-one/1289847427, at http://www.computerworld.com/comments/node/9196618#comment-708663, at http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/11/facebooks-new-messaging-system-mashes-up-sms-e-mail-im.ars?comments=1&p=21020590#comment-21020590, at http://www.geek.com/articles/news/facebook-introduces-new-messaging-system-e-mail-sms-and-im-all-in-one-place-20101116/comment-page-1/#comment-3924221, at http://gigaom.com/2010/11/15/meet-the-new-new-facebook/?go_commented=1#comment-513643 and at http://lifehacker.com/5690721/why-you-should-embrace-the-new-facebook-modern-messaging-system

Facebook finally to be sentenced for being too superficial?

Ed Oswald at BetaNews (http://www.betanews.com/author/eoswald) reports that Facebook admitted that his third-party apps developers had mishandled private datas (full article at http://www.betanews.com/article/Facebook-admits-its-thirdparty-developers-have-mishandled-private-data/1287428665, Jacqui Cheng at Ars Technica covering same article and the fact that the issue is going to congress at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/10/facebook-app-breach-gets-the-attention-of-congress.ars and Michael McWhertor at Kotaku at http://kotaku.com/5667405/report-farmville-breaks-facebook-privacy-rules-sends-personal-info-to-ad-firms).

Again with more or less a month of distance we find another problem for Facebook.

And again I say this is not a joke, because company detains personal datas for many millions of people.

Everyone is responsible for what posts and does, but also the depositors of this datas have some responsabilities (and this includes those working in partnership for them: it’s too easy to get the money and success from Farmville and then not respond for the “collaterals” of this).

This post as a comment also at http://www.betanews.com/article/Facebook-admits-its-thirdparty-developers-have-mishandled-private-data/1287428665#c2001961, at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/10/facebook-app-breach-gets-the-attention-of-congress.ars?comments=1&p=20920991#comment-20920991 and at http://kotaku.com/5667405/report-farmville-breaks-facebook-privacy-rules-sends-personal-info-to-ad-firms

Apple ready to unveil Mac OS X 10.7

Apple will host an event on October 20th to disclose and talk about Mac OS.

The image depicted below has a lion inside, that maybe a hint for a Mac OS X 10.7 disclosure.

The back to Mac Ad

Despite you love Apple or not, they’re really masters in communicating and creating attention.

This post as a comment also at http://www.betanews.com/article/Apple-hosting-October-10-event-Is-the-king-of-the-beasts-the-next-version-of-OS-X/1286987438 and at http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/10/apple-announces-back-to-the-mac-event-for-october-20.ars?comments=1&p=20908875#comment-20908875

Bye bye Google wave

Many sources reported the end announced death of Google Wave: among them Dan Nosowitz at Fast company (http://www.fastcompany.com/1677794/google-wave-poorly-understood-and-underused-is-officially-dead), Ryan Paul at Ars Technica (http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/08/wave-cancellation-google-gives-up-on-next-gen-messaging.ars), Matthew Ingram at GigaOM (http://gigaom.com/2010/08/04/google-pulls-the-plug-on-google-wave).

Well, is the end of Google in social networking? I don’t think so, but is a big stop for Google on this area.

Of course the Big G is telling that can reuse part of the work done and that is part of company culture to learn from failures.

But a failure like this is difficult to understand, because ruins in part the quite perfect track record held by Google.

It is difficult to explain why those who created Google mail, Google Docs, Google earth and so on where not able to create something usable and appealing.

When I first tried Google wave I really had difficulties to understand what was the real use and potential: this is uncommon in Google applications which are often brilliant examples of “do something and do it well”.

I think the problem could have been in trying to put everything in one place, creating some confusion.

I hope that Google reenters in social networking market with something more attractive and understandable, because can be a good player against Facebook predominance.

This post as a comment at http://www.fastcompany.com/1677794/google-wave-poorly-understood-and-underused-is-officially-dead, at http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/08/wave-cancellation-google-gives-up-on-next-gen-messaging.ars?comments=1&p=20685642#comment-20685642 and at http://gigaom.com/2010/08/04/google-pulls-the-plug-on-google-wave/?go_commented=1

Time spent on Internet goes toward social networks

Matthew Lasar at Ars Technica (http://arstechnica.com/author/matthew-lasar/) reports that “[…] Just in case you needed further confirmation that blogs, social networks, and games are overtaking everything else on the ‘Net, Nielsen has released its latest statistics. They show that Americans now spend almost a quarter of their PC/laptop days and nights on social networking sites and blogs. That’s a 43 percent jump from a year ago. Social networking now has a 22.7 percent share of the PC pie, while online games get a 10.2 percent share (up 10 percent from last year). […]” (full article at http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/08/nielsen-social-networking-and-gaming-up-email-uncertain.ars).

This, of course, cannot be a surprise, since this desire we all have to communicate to everybody.

But is very important for actual and possible impacts this trend will have on economy and behaviour.

I think that what we will read again on this topic is the new definition of privacy (with everything and everyone going into social networks, which will be the border line for what is considered private?) and security (with more firms going to provide stronger and more flexible security solutions to allow reasonable access to data stored).

This post as a comment also at http://arstechnica.com/web/news/2010/08/nielsen-social-networking-and-gaming-up-email-uncertain.ars?comments=1&p=20673891#comment-20673891