Tag Archives: Chrome OS

Google command line

Tim Conneally at Betanews (http://www.betanews.com/author/tim) reports that “[…] Today, in its Open Source projects blog, Google announced a Python-based command line utility it’s calling GoogleCL. The tool brings various Google services to the command line, including Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Picasa, Docs, and YouTube. […]” (full article at http://www.betanews.com/article/Google-ties-Blogger-Docs-Picasa-and-more-to-the-command-line-with-GoogleCL/1276902785, download at http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/).

While I don’t understand the real need for this new Google feature, I wonder what is the next step and how all will tie together. Will we see Chrome OS with a full Command line? 🙂

This post as a comment also at http://www.betanews.com/article/Google-ties-Blogger-Docs-Picasa-and-more-to-the-command-line-with-GoogleCL/1276902785

Google OS to launch late this fall

Chris Davies at Slash gear (http://www.slashgear.com/author/chris/) and timothy (http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/) at slashdot report that “[…] Google has announced that it expects the first Chrome OS netbooks to launch in late fall, with Sundar Pichai – head of the Chrome project – using Computex 2010 to narrow down the previous “second half of 2010″ window.  As the search giant has hinted at previously, they plan on being careful in how Chrome OS is delivered; “We will be selective on how we come to market because we want to deliver a great user experience,” Pinchai said, “we’re thinking on both the hardware and software levels. […] (full articles at http://www.slashgear.com/google-chrome-os-confirmed-for-late-fall-2010-0287952/ and at http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/06/02/1230255/Googles-Chrome-OS-to-Launch-In-Fall).

I’m quite curious to see the final release of Google OS and discover if will be a complete breakthrough (just like other Big G’s products) or just Google POV on what an OS should be.