Tag Archives: Ferrari

Sad end of Formula 1

Today Silverstone Gp will be like Titanic orchestra playing music when ship sinks.

Teams have announced that they are planning a new championship.

Max Mosley, old dictator who never surrenders, is playing the game of his life to restate his power and continue to craft FIA at his own will.

Bernie Ecclestone is apparently staying at the window just to see what’s going on and trying to calm down dispute particpants.

FOTA is playing, in my opinion, the correct move to keep this sport alive. But at what price?

And we, fans and admirers of one of the most appealing sports in the world, watch sadly part of our story disappear.

Money, money, money.

Ferrari, Max and the big bluff

Tony Borroz on Wired posted a good article, with things I agree on and things I don’t. But definitely a good article.

Full article can be found at http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/05/ferrari/.

My comment is below.

“I agree on the fact that Ferrari is playing a strong hand.
I’m quite sure that everything will be resolved with lot of money and with Mosley stepping down from his position.
But I also think that main fault is Max’s one.
Mosley is the head of an international organization, with members and rules and cannot act at his own will depite members opinions.”

Hidden power of a lone emperor

The shock came yesterday evening

Ferrari’s Board stated that will the team leave F1 from 2010 if there will be different treatment for those who accept budget cap and those who don’t (full details at http://www.corriere.it/sport/09_maggio_12/mondiale_senza_ferrari_bede1814-3f03-11de-914a-00144f02aabc.shtml -Italian only, sorry).  A copy of  Technincal specifications can be found at http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/755774E21C7A8B1DC12575B000326F7C/$FILE/1-2010%20F1%20SPORTING%20REGULATIONS%2006-05-2009.pdf

This is the beginning, because I don’t want to talk about F1 (yes I’m a big fan of car racing and I personally think that loosing Ferrari or having two championships is really a pity).

The point is another one.

We should question on the reason why a person (Max Mosley) that is not a dictator, but the elected president of an international organization, can decide, despite of those who are inside this organization.

Yes, sure. We have bigger problems in the world than talking about F1.

But I think that in some organizations, some people acquire a status very similar to those historical persons down in Magna Grecia, which ruled a city at their will.

And Mosley is very similar to them, because, during his multi year reign has built a supporting crew of people that in fact allow him to rule independently from the position of other members (remember when he was indicted for having a S/M relationship with an escort acting like nazis characters and he did’t resign from his position?).

But maybe there’s another reason for his not-so-hidden-power: Despite public appearences, He’s so functional to other big car racing players like Bernie Ecclestone. They built their mutual success basing on mutual business relationships.

That is how thing go in the world, but I’m really fed up of this.

Sometimes people have to remind their self that “ethic” it’s not a new scent from a well known french luxury house.