Tag Archives: upgrade

Windows 7 and time warp

Dan Nosowitz at Gizmodo writes an article telling that for a Microsoft engineer data, upgrading with many applications and mid ranged hardware to Windows 7 could take up to 21 hours (full article at http://gizmodo.com/5358025/worst-case-scenario-windows-7-upgrade-can-take-21-hours). Same thing does Emil Protalinski at Ars Technica (full article at http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/09/microsoft-upgrade-to-windows-7-can-take-up-to-a-day.ars).

In my opinion is, again, the demonstration that sometimes software (and especially OSes) are thought and engineered without consciousness of user capabilities.

Ok 650Gb of datas are a lot of bytes, but space counted in Terabytes is not a so remote idea.

Ok is a worst case scenario, but also in high end scenario hardware we are talking of a range form 8 to 10 hours.

Maybe people could like to migrate to Windows 7, but maybe they cannot afford all the time and money needed.

How far seem to me those time where a complete OS stood in 16-20 or 48kb (no mistake, kilo not giga or tera… 🙂 ).

This post as a comment also at http://gizmodo.com/5358025/worst-case-scenario-windows-7-upgrade-can-take-21-hours and at http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/09/microsoft-upgrade-to-windows-7-can-take-up-to-a-day.ars?comments=2&comment_id=125007341041